Serial PIC Programmer

The PIC programmer may cost you a few hundreds of rupees (India) in the market. However, you can always try to make one for yourself. You can develop this simple yet powerful programmer at home. Follow the simple steps described here to develop a circuit board. The basic requirements and necessary circuits diagrams and circuit tracks are given below.

Basic Requirements:
  • A copper clad of dimension - 30x30 cm
  • 30 gram ferrous chloride - highly exothermic and hazardous chemical.
  • The circuit track - click here to download the track for a PIC Programmer.
  • A shiny/glossy paper sheet.
  • An inkjet printer.

The track for PIC Programmer.

Click here to download the circuit and component diagram:


RFID, GSM and GPS Based Vehicle Security System

            This project was done during my post graduation diploma course. I was given a task to develop and complete a security device for a car. I developed a model using a GSM, GPS and RFID security system.

The project describes how to implement a car security system using a Global System for Mobile Communication, Global Positioning System and Radio Frequency Identification modules. Basically the procedure is to access the car using a key as usual. However, in case of any theft issue, the owner can send a message from his pre registered phone number to the GSM module fitted in the car and he will receive the current location of the device (car). Another message can stop the car engine and the device demands RFID verification. The car cannot be started until the RFID card is verified successfully.

      Basic modules in the project are: 
  • RFID detector and two cards.
  • GPS module
  • GSM module
  • Coordinating Unit
  • A PIC Micro controller – PIC16F876A.

A walk through the details :

Now, I will take you through a deeper explanation of the project, features, its advantages and disadvantages. As I mentioned earlier, the device can take control over the engine functions and stop the engine from working. Under normal condition, the car engine functions as normal as any other engine. Whereas when the device receives a message from a pre-stored GSM number, it acts as a master and takes control over the functioning of the engine. The owner can send a message: location, the GSM modules installed in the car verifies the message and the phone number and replies with the latest data received from GPS to the owner. If the data in message is – stop, the device starts monitoring the car engine. The device requests RFID verification when the car engine is tried to start the next time. The car does not start until it clears the RFID verification.

Module wise description:

Global Positioning System – the GPS device that I used is a standalone device that has four pins. The pins are +5V, Din, Dout and GND. The GPS device provides lots of information. One needs to separate the desired or required information. Here is a sample of the GPS message from the device that I used:




$GPRMC,235946.055,V,8960.0000,N, 16650.0000,E,0.00,0.00,050180,,,N*72


$GPGGA,235947.054,8960.0000,N, 16650.0000,E,0,0,,137.0,M,13.0,M,,*4C


$GPRMC,235947.054,V,8960.0000,N, 16650.0000,E,0.00,0.00,050180,,,N*72

And it goes on. So, in order to find the location as per my requirement in this project, all I need is the data in the row that reads: $GPRMC

So using a simple do-while loop and if-else ladder I can pull out the required data.


I have generated a HEADER FILE (GPS.h file) that you may use in your program.

Now you can store the received data to a character array. This array can be later transmitted through the GSM module to a desired number.

To check the functioning of GPS module, you can connect your device to the PIC micro controller and transmit the data through the serial port to the computer. You will have to use the RS232 conversion by using a MAX232 chip (from MAXIM) and a DB9 port to transmit the data to computer.

I used a baud rate of 9600. You can see the transmitted data on the computer screen in a Hyper Terminal.

Global System for Mobile Communication – The module that I used had two features. It supports both GSM and GPRS. In order to connect the GSM module to a computer you will have to make use of the serial port. This one does not require a RS232 conversion while directly connecting to the computer. However, while you connect the GSM to a PIC micro controller, you will require a RS232 conversion.

To transmit and receive GSM data, use the standard AT commands.


I have generated a HEADER FILE (GSM.h file) that you may use in your program.


The received data through the GSM can be stored in a location if necessary. Read the message in the GSM and using a switch control, activate the RFID task of the GPS task.

If the message content is location, reply to the number with current GPS data and if the message content is stop, activate the RFID verification. This action will monitor the functioning of the car engine. The next time when the car engine is started, the device will demand RFID verification.

As I mentioned before, the car engine cannot be started unless the RFID is verified successfully.

Radio Frequency Identification module – The RFID module that I used has a DB9 port. You can connect this device to your computer directly through a serial port and can read the RFID card number that you are using, in the Hyper Terminal. 

The RFID card reader needs to be connected to the PIC micro controller through a MAX232 chip (RS232 conversion is required). The card number is pre-stored in a character array and is compared during RFID verification process.


I have generated a HEADER FILE (RFID.h file) that you may use in your program.


 A special circuit - The PIC micro controller PIC 16 F 876 A that I used had a software UART (Port C) in terminal as well as a hardware UART terminal. I preferred to use hard ware UART transmission.

However, for the project I required three UARTs one each for GSM, RFID and one to the computer for checking purpose (This part can be used to connect to a display unit to display the data on a LCD screen in the device). The GPS module is directly connected to the PIC.

Hence, I developed a small circuit board with four relay switches and four DB9 ports. One of the port is connected the PIC micro controller and the rest to the other devices. The model of the circuit and circuit diagram is given below.
