Header Files

Here is a list of Header Files that I have generated for easy handling of common devices in any projects.

You can download these header files and edit them for your personal needs. However, as a disclaimer I would like to mention here that :

The header files here may not meet all your needs. Some files are tailor made for certain programs.All source codes available here for download are free, and anybody may feel free to download and alter them for personal uses. However, saying that the author is not be responsible for any damages caused to the software or hardware and is not liable to pay the damages.


* Header file to handle a 16x2 LCD display with 16 pins -

              Header file for AVR micro controllers - Download here

              Header file for Philips micro controllers ( ARM Core) - Download here

* Header file to handle a DB9 port (UART/Serial port) -

             Header file for AVR micro controllers - Download here


More header files for other devices will be added shortly.

Under development :

               * GPS
               * GSM
               * RFID
               * Bluetooth
               * Zigbee
               * Servo Motor